Reveal A Child’s Superpowers with Personality Traits | ABContrast

Dear parent, grandparent, and teacher:

What a responsibility you have as the caretaker of a child’s development. A well rounded child will progress behaviorally, socially, mentally, and so forth. You have a big job to do. Here’s an angle for using what you can learn in PERSPECTIVES, by the Authentic Behavior Contrast, to not only learn about yourself but to help your children, grandchildren, and students learn about their traits and tendencies.

Isn’t it intriguing for one child to be asked to speak up, and another to quiet down. Or how one child will follow directions and another seems to do their own thing. It’s as if we want them to all act the same – yes, but what a boring world that would be! Instead, let’s identify and foster their authentic traits. Let’s teach them how to consider that their friends may have a different perspective.

Here’s an example discussion to get your wheels turning, and it explains behavioral differences in a way the kiddos can relate, using the ABContrast model of accurate, online personality testing and skills assessment:

Alright, imagine you’re a superhero, and every superhero has different powers – especially when it comes to how you act and how you get along with other people.

There are four ways you and your friends can act, like directions on a map:

  • Practical – You like getting things done, like solving problems or building cool stuff.
  • Interpersonal – You’re good at making friends and caring about other people.
  • Forward – You’re brave and like to take charge, kind of like a superhero leader.
  • Reserved – You’re thoughtful and careful, and you like to think before you act.

Now, just like mixing colors makes new colors, mixing these ways to act makes five special types of people. They’re called types and they can be remembered with H.E.A.D.S.:

  • (H) Harmonic – You’re super balanced, not too much one way or the other. You’re in the middle.
  • (E) Empathic – You’re more quiet and like helping your friends in a kind and gentle way.
  • (A) Autocratic – You’re bold and like making decisions, kind of like being a captain on a team.
  • (D) Dynamic – You’re energetic and love being with people, kind of like the fun leader in the group.
  • (S) Static – You like routines and following a plan, and you’re usually quiet, calm and steady.

Finally, there are six places where you use your superpowers in life:

  1. Thinking – How you talk to yourself inside your head.
  2. Talking – How you talk to others, like friends and family.
  3. Leading – How you show others what to do or help them.
  4. Following – How you listen to others and what they want.
  5. Friendship – How close you are with your friends.
  6. Helping – How you work with a group to get things done.

Being yourself is important. And letting others be themselves is just as important. So, the ABContrast helps you discover what kind of superhero you are when it comes to how you act with your friends, family, and the world! Do you know what kind of superhero you are? Are you more than one superhero because maybe you think & talk in one way and help in another?

So, now the easy part for you, as the parent, grandparent or teacher – take 2 minutes and go on over to PERSPECTIVES for your instant results in any ABContrast area for free! What you learn will transfer into your life and daily routines. Then, find a way to get the youth thinking about this important part of relationships and teamwork!