Unlocking the Power of Influence in Communication | ABContrast

Discover a New Perspective with the Authentic Behavior Contrast Personality Test

At Authentic Behavior Contrast (ABContrast), we’re focused on one powerful goal: helping you gain perspective. The sort of insights that can shape your trajectory for the better – for all the rest of your years. First, you’ll need a clear understanding of your own perspective, and then a deeper awareness of the perspectives of others.

Why is this important? Because every perspective is unique, valuable, and plays a crucial role in how we communicate, connect, and influence the world around us. Communication is how we bridge the gap between our internal experiences and the external world, and it’s not just about whether we communicate—it’s about how, when, and why we do so. And even more – read on:

The Complexity of Communication

Communication is far more intricate than it seems. We often think of it as simply conveying a message, but it’s much more layered. It’s not just about if we communicate—it’s how we choose to express ourselves, when we do so, and why we decide to speak up (or remain silent). These layers shape how our messages are received and how we receive the messages of others.

And here’s the fascinating part: before you ever express something externally, you’ve already gone through an much more covert process – that of internal communication. You’re constantly having a dialogue with yourself, weighing options, considering preferences, and sorting through your thoughts. What drives this internal thought dialogue?

It’s your will—what you want out of life, and equally, what you don’t want. Think of it as a contrasting array of preferences and aversions. These personal desires and boundaries dictate not only how we communicate with others but also why we choose to communicate the way we do.

Influence: The Heart of Communication

At the core of communication is influence. Whether we’re aware of it or not, every time we communicate, we’re engaging in a process of influence—both in giving it and also in receiving it from others. It’s a well-traveled two-way street. We influence others with our communicated words, actions, and even our silence. Likewise, we are influenced by what others communicate to us, each in their own way.

But communication isn’t just a simple back-and-forth. It’s more like a busy roundabout where influences are constantly moving in many directions. We are continuously navigating these interactions, making choices based on how we’re influenced and how we want to influence others.

Relationships and Teamwork: The Application Arenas for Communicated Influence

Now, let’s talk about where these influences actually play out. All communication and influence take place in one of two arenas: relationships or teamwork. Whether you’re having a conversation with a friend, negotiating with a colleague, or engaging with a stranger on the street, it’s all happening within the framework of relationships or teamwork. No? Yes!

Yes, even when you interact with someone you’ll never see again, like a stranger at the grocery store, the interaction is governed by relationship – your relationship with yourself. You engage with them based on your personal values, preferences, and boundaries. You choose to avoid or engage with others depending on your internal sense of what you want and what you’re willing to compromise on.

Think about it: every decision you make is influenced by how you relate to yourself and the world around you. You’re constantly establishing, defending, or flexing your values and boundaries. You’re critiquing, judging, weighing risks, and calculating potential rewards—all based on your deeply personal, and perhaps not fully understood, “why.”

Everyone is Unique: The Challenge of Understanding

Because everyone has their own internal motivations and influences, no two people are exactly alike. We all make decisions based on reasons that make sense to us at the time we made them, but those reasons aren’t always clear to others… or even us? (lol) This is why it can be so difficult to assess someone else’s actions as right or wrong—it all depends on their unique perspective.

Before reacting to someone else’s behavior, it’s worth taking a moment to consider their perspective. What are they trying to communicate? What’s driving their actions? Their type, bias, and worldview all play a role in shaping how they express themselves. A little extra compassion and patience can go a long way in building stronger relationships and more effective teamwork. In the end, we’re all part of the big puzzle that is humanity – we might as well choose to get along better, yes?

How the Authentic Behavior Contrast Can Help

This is where the Authentic Behavior Contrast comes in. Our system helps you understand these dynamics by revealing the patterns and influences that shape behavior. We use a powerful model that explores human interaction through three key pathways:

  • 4 Directions that define how you interact with the world around you.
  • 5 Main Types that capture your unique combination of traits and tendencies.
  • 6 Areas of Life where your behavior patterns show up most clearly, from communication to influence to relationships and teamwork.

Each of these components helps you gain a clearer understanding of not only yourself but also the people around you. It’s a comprehensive system designed to reveal the deeper layers of communication, influence, and behavior. Read more about them here: ABCONTRAST.COM/WHYUS

Try It for Free: Explore Your Pathway

You can start exploring these pathways today—and the best part is, it’s free. We offer cost-free access to all 6 areas of assessment, so you can discover where you fall within the ABContrast model. Our free tools are quick, easy to use, and provide instant, accurate results. In just a few minutes, you’ll get a snapshot of your own preferences and aversions, and how they play out in your relationships and teamwork.

If you’re looking for a deeper dive, we also have a companion guidebook that walks you through each of the 5 main types, helping you understand how different types “tick” and how to better communicate with others.

Not sure where to start? Visit our Why Us page, where we explain the unique advantages of our system and why ABContrast is a game-changer in the world of behavioral assessment.

Group Comparisons: The Power of Collective Insight

One of the most exciting features of the Authentic Behavior Contrast is our Group Comparisons. This tool allows you to see how the dynamics of influence play out in a group setting, whether it’s a small team or a larger organization. Our reports give you a detailed look at the contrasted inner workings of any group, helping you understand how different personalities and perspectives influence group dynamics.

Transformative insights for teams, families, or any group that wants to improve communication, strengthen relationships, and enhance teamwork.

Experience the Difference with Authentic Behavior Contrast

We’d be honored if you’d explore what ABContrast has to offer. Whether you’re looking to understand yourself better, improve your relationships, or enhance team dynamics, our system is designed to give you the insights you need to thrive.

Stop by ABContrast.com anytime, and don’t forget to check out our free assessments, group comparison tools, and in-depth guidebook. We’re confident that once you experience the Authentic Behavior Contrast, you’ll see why we’re unlike any other behavioral assessment tool out there.