How Your Personality Type Shapes Your Thinking | ABContrast

Contemplation (internal communication)

One of the ABContrast personality tests six areas, Contemplation is how you think. It’s an entirely different form of communication than when you speak. You are the “mouth” and the ears… you are the speaker and the audience. Your internal dialogue considers the past, present, and future. When you do choose to “publish” what you think – only then does it become external communication, which is the Connection area. We’ll cover that in another post.

Here is thought life through the lens of the 5 main Authentic Behavior Contrast types (H.E.A.D.S.):

Contemplation, one of the six areas measured by the ABContrast personality test system, focuses on your internal thought process—how you communicate with yourself. Unlike external communication, where you speak and others listen, this is where you play both the speaker and the audience. Your internal dialogue navigates past, present, and future thoughts, guiding how you process information. Only when you decide to express these thoughts outwardly does it transition into external communication, which falls under the Connection area (we’ll explore that in a future post).

Now, let’s explore how the five core ABContrast types (H.E.A.D.S.) approach this internal thinking dialogue:


The Harmonic type engages in contemplation by balancing action with reflection. They consider both practical and emotional aspects in their internal communication, integrating multiple perspectives before making decisions. Their thought process is dynamic, shifting between forward, reserved, interpersonal, and practical considerations depending on the situation. They excel at self-regulation, staying calm and centered even when faced with complex challenges, ensuring that their internal dialogue remains constructive and balanced.


For the Empathic type, contemplation is often centered around emotional reflection. They frequently reflect on how their actions impact others and consider the emotional needs of those around them. Their internal communication is rich in empathy, focusing on maintaining harmony in their relationships. They may spend significant time reflecting on past interactions and thinking through how to improve the emotional well-being of others. However, they might overthink or second-guess themselves, especially if they fear conflict or emotional discord.


The Autocratic type’s internal dialogue is highly goal-oriented. They focus on outcomes, efficiency, and action, avoiding lengthy reflection unless it directly contributes to a practical solution. Their thought process is decisive and strategic, with little attention paid to emotional or abstract considerations. They contemplate quickly and act without much hesitation, trusting their instincts. However, their focus on pragmatism can sometimes lead them to overlook deeper emotional or relational factors in decision-making.


The Dynamic type’s internal communication is fast-paced and forward-thinking, often focused on how to engage others or drive action. They think about how to inspire or motivate, constantly seeking ways to bring people together or create momentum. Their thought process is creative and fluid, moving quickly from idea to execution. They are energized by contemplating new possibilities and how to connect with others to bring ideas to life, but they might neglect deeper self-reflection or emotional awareness.


The Static type is methodical and measured in their internal communication. They prefer to carefully think through problems, focusing on logical solutions and practical outcomes. Their contemplation is grounded in facts, experience, and predictability. They take their time to ensure their decisions are sound, often avoiding rash conclusions or emotional interference. However, this reserved, practical approach can sometimes make them slow to act or resistant to change, as they may struggle with embracing uncertainty or spontaneity.

In summary, Contemplation is the vital internal dialogue that shapes how we process and organize our thoughts before sharing them with the world. Each of the five ABContrast types approaches contemplation differently—whether it’s the balanced reflection of the Harmonic type, the emotional focus of the Empathic type, the goal-driven mindset of the Autocratic type, the fast-paced creativity of the Dynamic type, or the methodical precision of the Static type. Understanding your unique way of contemplating can enhance self-awareness and improve how you communicate and engage with others.

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The Authentic Behavior Contrast is a rich, nuanced system that allows individuals to understand their authentic behavior through the interplay of four core directions. The five main types in the H.E.A.D.S. acronym are borne from these directions and represent combinations that align with different motivational and behavioral preferences.

The model emphasizes authenticity, suggesting that individuals act most consistently and effectively when they embrace their natural preferences. The six areas of measurement serve as practical arenas where the tendencies of each type can be observed and applied. This structure provides flexibility and depth, making the ABContrast model applicable to a wide range of personal development and counseling contexts.

At ABContrast, we go beyond traditional personality tests to offer a deeper understanding of authentic behavior. Our system focuses on six key areas that influence communication, relationships, and teamwork. Whether you’re looking to improve self-awareness, build stronger relationships, or lead more effective teams, ABContrast gives you the insights you need to thrive.

Why Choose ABContrast?

Unlike common systems such as Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Enneagram, and DISC, ABContrast focuses on how behavior manifests in real life. We go beyond labels to explore the deeper layers of behavior through the lens of Practical vs. Interpersonal and Forward vs. Reserved tendencies. This gives you a more detailed, personalized view of how you interact with others.

The six key areas of the ABContrast model are:

  1. Contemplation – Internal communication
  2. Connection – External communication
  3. Command – Demonstrated influence
  4. Cooperation – Tolerated influence
  5. Closeness – Relational depth and proximity
  6. Contribution – Teamwork and group effort

By understanding these areas, you’ll gain insights into your communication, leadership, and relationships—making ABContrast much more than a simple personality test.

What You’ll Learn

We cover a wide range of topics, helping you apply the ABContrast model to both personal and professional settings:

  • Personality Testing: See how ABContrast compares with systems like Myers-Briggs, DISC, and Enneagram, offering deeper insights into behavior.
  • Self-Awareness: Unlock personal growth by understanding your behavior, motivations, and communication style through the ABContrast model.
  • Teamwork & Leadership: Learn how ABContrast helps leaders build cohesive teams by better understanding the behavior dynamics of their members.
  • Counseling Tools: Counselors and therapists can use ABContrast to get a clearer picture of clients’ behavior, improving counseling outcomes and fostering better connections.

The H.E.A.D.S. Framework

ABContrast breaks down behavior into five core types, represented by H.E.A.D.S.:

  • Harmonic – Balanced in all dimensions
  • Empathic – Reserved and Interpersonal
  • Autocratic – Forward and Practical
  • Dynamic – Forward and Interpersonal
  • Static – Reserved and Practical

Understanding where you fall in the H.E.A.D.S. framework can help you communicate more effectively, build better relationships, and lead more confidently.

How ABContrast Helps:

  • Individuals: Improve self-awareness, understand your communication style, and enhance your relationships.
  • Counselors: Gain deep insights into your clients’ authentic behavior, making sessions more focused and effective.
  • Managers & HR: Use ABContrast to make informed decisions about hiring, team building, and retention. Optimize team performance and collaboration with our group comparison reports.

Free and Premium Resources

Explore our free and premium offerings to dive deeper into your ABContrast experience.
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With our premium content, you’ll gain access to advanced tools, including group comparison reports and the Absolute Harmony guidebook. These tools help you apply the ABContrast system in practical, real-world situations.

ABContrast vs. Other Personality Tests

ABContrast stands out because it provides a more dynamic and behavior-driven approach than tests like Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Enneagram, or DISC. It doesn’t just categorize you; it helps you understand how you communicate, influence, and collaborate in the real world.

Here’s how it compares:

  • Myers-Briggs (MBTI): ABContrast offers a more practical view of how your personality impacts behavior and relationships.
  • Enneagram: While Enneagram explores core motivations, ABContrast digs deeper into how those motivations manifest in team dynamics and everyday life.
  • DISC Assessment: DISC provides a surface-level view of behavior, but ABContrast goes further by exploring how behavior is influenced by internal and external communication patterns.

Who Can Benefit from ABContrast?

Counselors and therapists seeking deeper behavioral insights into their clients, managers and HR professionals looking to build high-performing teams, and individuals interested in personal development will all benefit from the unique approach ABContrast offers.

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